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Bitcoin/ETF will become the 21st century gold/sliver

With the rise of digital currencies, especially Bitcoin as the representative of the first cryptocurrencies, its value and influence continue to rise. Edward Snowden's bold prediction reveals a new trend in the field of digital currencies, that is, the US government may be secretly buying Bitcoin as a substitute for modern gold. What is the hidden message behind this prediction?

What impact will the participation of national governments have on Bitcoin?

1. Snowden's prediction: Bitcoin, the "digital gold" of the future?

Snowden's remarks on social media have sparked widespread discussion and attention. He predicted that this year, a US government will be revealed to have purchased Bitcoin and has not made this fact public. What does this trend mean? Is Bitcoin really becoming the modern currency "gold"?

But Do you know How much gold is left unmined on Earth?

2. The US government's secret purchase action

This prediction points out that at least one national government has been secretly active in the Bitcoin market. Will this become a new trend, will more national governments follow suit, and how will it affect the market positioning and price of Bitcoin?

3. El Salvador's Bitcoin experiment

Take El Salvador as an example. The country has made Bitcoin a legal tender in 2021 and maintained confidence when Bitcoin prices fluctuated sharply. Has El Salvador's Bitcoin bet begun to pay off? Will other countries follow its footsteps?

4. Bitcoin's market reaction and potential

Bitcoin's market performance and value fluctuations are closely watched by investors around the world. Do Snowden's predictions and El Salvador's practice indicate that Bitcoin will play a more important role in the global economy and reshape the traditional financial system?

5. The change in society's understanding of Bitcoin

Snowden's predictions and El Salvador's success story may have accelerated the public's recognition of Bitcoin. Can Bitcoin move from the fringe market to the mainstream and become an indispensable part of the global financial system?

Opportunities and challenges in the digital currency era

Snowden's predictions may be just the tip of the iceberg, revealing the national government's recognition of Bitcoin's value and the possibility of future participation. With the continuous development of digital currencies, we may witness major changes in the monetary system and global financial markets. This is both an opportunity and a challenge, and it is worth every Internet AI enthusiast's close attention and thinking.

By 2080, our monetary system will collapse. The new gold of the future will be Bitcoin.

Always inflation. We have been living in permanent inflation since 1971, when the dollar was decoupled from gold.

· That's why Bitcoin. The new gold of the future will be called Bitcoin.

· Steady expansion. We get more and more, so money must increase - this won't last forever.

· In the rearview mirror. In 2080, our grandchildren will wonder why we figured this out so late.

Let's forget all the computer stuff. We will have digital payments in fifty years. But it's logical anyway. What's more exciting is what's going on under the hood of the financial system. Our monetary system has reached its end.

This is not surprising: the half-life of monetary systems in history has always been seventy to eighty years. What's new is that this time the whole global thing is in danger of imploding. But don't worry. The collapse of the monetary system is being carried out under fairly tightly controlled conditions. To protect yourself from the worst, you really only need to know one thing: when in doubt, printing is already done. That's called inflation. That was in 2000, after the dot-com bubble burst. It was during the financial crisis of 2008. And in 2020, during the pandemic. Permanent inflation since the separation from gold in 1971 is the core problem of our system. But somehow it is also the solution. Money will die on its own.


financial crisis of 2008

Bitcoin: Hard Money, Fixed Rules

Now it is going digital: Bitcoin. No ifs, no buts, no alternatives. After a period of expansion of the money supply, the financial economy and the population, a period of increasing inflation and corruption, money in the base becomes scarce again. Anyone who understands Bitcoin as a technology can see this immediately. A hard, digital currency with fixed rules that you can trust. Just like the Deutsche Mark - only much better.

But don't worry. In the coming decades, we will not be able to live without the dollar, the euro and other mainstream currencies, etc. They have only one counterweight. Just like it used to be gold. That's why we have to look under the hood. Money itself is not political, it is not created by fiat. The market decides. You have to understand the foundations of the system: for thousands of years, it was gold, then it was oil - tomorrow it will be Bitcoin. The dollar is now the world currency. Because the United States is big and strong, because it provides some legal certainty. But mainly because oil is traded in dollars.

Now 700 billion is still a lot?

Many of the problems we have today can be traced back to the collapse of the monetary system. It gets worse as each crisis is covered with new money. In the financial crisis of 2007, 700 billion was still a lot of money for a bailout. In the next crisis, seven trillion will be needed - ten times that. Pure inflation. In addition, there is the rapid development of digital fields such as artificial intelligence, which has a deflationary effect. And there is the demographic bomb. We will shrink and the Western welfare states will not survive. Like the monetary system itself, they are built on constant expansion.

It will probably get worse before it gets better. Or to put it another way: it will only get better for those who take action. Those who are open to new models, especially Bitcoin, will benefit. Large countries like the United States or Argentina, as well as small countries like El Salvador, Liechtenstein or Switzerland, know this. Companies, families and individuals around the world know this. Their numbers are still small. But it won't be like this for much longer.

Bitcoin is the future - don't you know?

Our monetary system is becoming digital, but in a different way than many people think. We are laying a new digital foundation for a new digital economy. We don't even know yet what will happen when billions of people are connected in a borderless, open and hard currency system. We drive cars on roads invented for horse-drawn carriages. The Internet lacks a protocol for values. Bitcoin will change that.

A Bitcoin ETF is an exchange-traded fund that tracks the price of Bitcoin. Buying a Bitcoin ETF is equivalent to indirectly buying Bitcoin or buy cheap old AntMiner S9 13.5T to get bitcoin or hot new bitcoin miner s19 pro Although you buy a fund instead of real Bitcoin, their returns are exactly the same. The advantage of a Bitcoin ETF is that it allows ordinary retail investors to invest in Bitcoin as simply as buying stocks, without having to learn complex technical operations such as cold wallets. Large traditional funds can also invest in Bitcoin in compliance with regulations, and even a small portion of funds will have a great impact on the Bitcoin market. At the same time, the Bitcoin ETF will also have a huge impact on market sentiment. People will compare it with the gold ETF of the year.


Why is it so hard to wait for SOL ETF?

Therefore, the approval of the Bitcoin ETF may also have a significant impact on future economic policies. When the gold ETF was approved, the gold market experienced a huge bull market. Today, Bitcoin is hailed as digital gold, and in the future metaverse, it is possible that it will play a similar role in the virtual world. Therefore, Bitcoin may experience another big bull market similar to gold.

At present, the Bitcoin ETF has been approved, and the spot ETF is awaiting approval. Although Wall Street heavyweights such as BlackRock and Fidelity have begun to apply for Bitcoin spot ETFs, they have all been rejected by the SCC. However, this appeal has been supported by the court, and more and more institutions have joined the application--Why is it so hard to wait for SOL ETF?

You can laugh at it, curse it, ignore it, even fight it. In the end, everyone will be involved, politicians, bank presidents, companies, families and individuals. Not because Bitcoin is digital, new or exciting. Because it's better.

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